Persuasion is the Ultimate Skill of Success.
Why? Because until he can Persuade others … We Cannot be Successful.
Think about the following questions:
How can you be successful when you can’t get your ideas across?
How can you be successful when you can’t get other people to take action?
How can you be successful when nobody will follow your lead?
How can you be successful when you can’t get others to help you?
The first thing you need to understand is that we are influenced by people we know, like and trust.
Lets break these own Into the 3 separate skills:
- KNOW: Getting people to know you can be relatively simple … If YOU don’t over complicate it. one of the simplest ways is just to introduce yourself and tell the person a little bit about yourself. Another simple strategy is to get somebody else to introduce you, in this way you also benefit from the reputation and connection of the person introducing you. I recommend getting good at simply striking up conversations with people. Once people know your name … You are halfway home. The second half of the formula of having them feel like they know you, is to share a little bit about yourself. The more simple details people know about you, the more they feel as if they truly “know you.” Start with simple things, like talking about your spouse, kids, pets, hobbies, etc. Also be a good listener, and as they are talking note areas where you like or do the same things. This is just another way of helping them know you, without you having to simply state things about yourself.
- LIKE: People like other people … Who have the good taste to be like them. The more similar you appear to the person you’re speaking to … The more they will like you. Be a good listener, and note common interests. Show appreciation for the things that they like. People also like other people who encourage there dreams, justify our failures and help them throw rocks at their enemies. Compliments is another great way to get people to like you. The best compliments are about who the person is … For example you could say, “That was very sweet of you” or “that was a very smart move on your part” or “I can see that you have a good heart.”
- TRUST: The best way to establish trust is to share small secret. Tell them something about your childhood or an event that happened to you that is personal … but not too personal. Don’t over-share. Tell them a small secret about a fault or flaw you have. For example, “I really admire how good you are at math … I was never really very good at it.” Or, “When I was a child, I had a really hard time making new friends.” Another way to build trust is to lend them something. You might lend them tools, books or other resources. We only lend things to people we trust.
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