Time Management – Wasting Your Time is Wasting Your Life!
1) Learn To Speed Read
I wish I had learned this tip before I finished the bulk of my college education. This one tip might have given me back a year or so of my life. In today’s competitive society it is hard to keep up with all the information pouring in unless we can speed read. People are also very impressed with speed readers and see them as more intelligent (simply because they can’t do it). I used a software program called “Eye-Q” – it currently sells for around $200, and is well worth the price. You can buy a Deluxe Edition for about $250 with 10 licenses. This entire course is 12 sessions of 7-minutes each!
Do the math, you’ll be speed-reading in under an hour and a half worth of training. With this amount of training, it’s typical to double your reading speed, some people do significantly better. The other course to try is the classic Evelyn Woods program, but it’s slower (and I hate that!) You can attend a class either in person or online, or you can buy a DVD and video set, but it is very expensive (I hate that too!) (approximately $700).
2) Create Various Templates
Having templates can save you huge amount of time. I have several that I use, and I often rework them for other purposes. Certain templates for certain purposes can be downloaded off the web simply by Googling them.
Be creative, have templates of form letters, thank you notes, fax covers, sign in sheets, training review forms, audit forms, mileage sheets, attendance sheets, the list goes on and on.
Beyond this I use computer templates for PowerPoint presentations, book formats, article formats, e-mails, e-cards, business cards, various brochures, posters, postcards, labels, notices, billing and welcome letters what else could you add to this list? Be creative!
3) 15 Minute Lunches
Eating lunch only takes 5-10 minutes – what takes an hour or so is driving or walking back and forth to the restaurant, waiting for the waiter/waitress (*notice that the root word of their name is – “wait!” Coincidence? I think not!), placing your order, waiting on your order, waiting for the check and deciding on how much you should tip for all this waiting! If each meal (with tip) costs $9.00, you spend $2,250.00 per year on this habit and lose over 185 hours per year or 1 months work per year! Wow!
Personally, I have always brought my lunch bucket to work filled with wonderful treats my loving wife makes me (and prior to that I used to make one heck of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!). I still go out for lunch occasionally, but as a treat or to do some business … this comes up often enough to keep me happy (and well fed).
I also found that if I went to lunch with co-workers, they would spend the whole time complaining, worrying or talking about junk I didn’t want or need to hear about. And I hang out with pretty positive people … what is it about lunch that brings this out in people (they are much more optimistic over dinner!)?
4) Utilize “Dummies” Books And Video Guides For FAST Learning
Want to learn something fast? The “Dummies Series” was created for you. Don’t be thrown by the title “Dummies” – only smart people are intelligent enough to use these readily available time management resources and make the most of them. They are also fairly comprehensive and what they cover, rarely will they be missing anything you truly need for your work. I like that I can easily skip around in these guides. This allows me to quickly learn the few key skills I need now and go back for the rest later. Many books for shoe to read them cover to cover to get the information you need – but not “Dummies,” they have made their books truly user-friendly.
Video guides are also an awesome productivity tool. Many people have learning styles that just work better by being shown, rather than reading – nothing wrong with that – work with it! Videos are huge now, especially sense DVDs are so much easier to copy them the old VHS style videos. Some trainings can you be done in a video format online. I have also sold video rights to very companies to show the videos of trainings I’ve done for them live, so that new employees can get these tools as part of their incoming orientation.
5) Find A Hiding Spot To Focus
I once knew a very sharp executive who actually rented a small office one floor down from its corporate office so that periodically he could disappear during the week for an hour at a time and get some serious work done. He laughed with me about this over lunch, “I can’t believe Paul that other people haven’t figured this system out. I can get more done in one focused hour or two, away from all the distractions of the office, then I can typically get done in a day! I know it sounds funny but sometimes a place of business is just too damn busy and chaotic to get any business done!” This gentleman was one of the top earners in his company and credited much of his success to this one simple technique.
Now I realize not everyone can afford to rent an office the way he did, but most businesses of any significant size will have spots that can double as hiding places. When I was clinical supervisor at a residential treatment facility, I would regularly hide out in the doctors office to get some serious work done. The doctor only used the office about 4 hours per week, the other 108 hours per week it was available for my use! At another business, I would use the conference room during times and it wasn’t booked and use that as my hiding spot to get some focused, uninterrupted work time in. What spot can you find where you work?
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"Prof. Paul" Is An Award-Winning Celebrity Educator, Coach, Therapist And CEO Of Advanced Ideas, Inc. His Courses Transform Well Over 100,000 Lives Per Year ... And Climbing! Prof. Paul J. Cline Has Been On A Mission For Over 35 Years ... To Help People Excel Personally & Professionally ... By Providing Them With The Latest & Greatest Cutting Edge Tools And Strategies. His Skills Give You An Unfair Advantage In Life.
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